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This is a story of a young girl who learnt her lesson the hard way.
Please read and learn....
One girl was very proud of her boy friend, she always tell her friends how good her boy friend is.
On the day of her birthday, she invited all her friends including her boy friend who happened to be the special guest of honour. Everybody brought their gifts to the girl and was waiting for the arrival of the girl's boy friend who promised to bring a very nice gift for his girl.

As everybody was waiting, behold! The boy was coming with a gift which was inside a poly bag. The girl was very happy at the arrival of his boy friend and was ready to see the gift that he brought to her.  The boy just opened the poly bag in front of all the guest's and invitees.

And he brought out a loaf of bread! And said to the girl...

"Take this bread, that's what i brought for you as your birthday gift"

The girl got angry immediately and was highly disappointed at her boy friend. She grab the bread and threw it away with anger.

The boy friend also got disappointed and he rushed and picked up the bread. He opened the bread in front of his girl friend, behold!!!....there was a car key and an engagement ring inside the bread.

When the girl noticed that, She began to beg, but then, it was too late for her.

Always learn how to appreciate things, whether big or small. After all, not everything is as it seems. How many times do we ignore  our blessings just because they were not presented as we expected?

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